kenag - block of flats (completed)
KEES - block of flats (in process)
exhibitioncenter - chengdu
LIC61 - block of flats (in process)
püspök - office (completed)
ag 38 - block of flats (completed)
mirage tinyhouse (completed)
MARG - block of flats (in process)
German Design Award 2020
hailen (completed)
BB34 (in process)
B51 - block of flats (completed)
CVN65 (project)
TBZ (project)
fort gg (completed)
berg - extension and remodeling (project)
FK3 - highrisebuilding with flats (proj)
comed (completed)
enzo 6 - block of flats (completed)
soe14 - block of flats (proj)
MISS P - highrisebuilding with flats (proj)
innovationspreis BIPV
purple rain (completed)
aerodrom (project)
cityplaning - chengdu xinfan china (proj)
staatspreis architektur 2018
r´n´eve (completed)
goldwinner a-design 2018
fishbone (proj)
uyc - competition
gira (completed)
cuvee (completed)
gda winner 2018
sarmi - block of flats (proj)
hallst - competition
aap 2016
muki (proj)
LLI (proj)
gvt bp 2017
kuoni 15 - retail (completed)
bhp 2015
coole move (completed)
smika (proj)
cockpit ad2 (completed)
hin harbour (completed)
alles walzer - exhibition (completed)
cocooning (completed)
roh (proj)
flaschen tanz - winery (completed)
kitt 1 - block of flats (completed)
solid gold (completed)
hillinger - winery - exhibition (proj)
kill (completed)
doc (completed)
uha 186 (proj)
plisse (completed)
business center perun (proj)
jan (completed)
loop competition
kitt 2 - block of flats (proj)
dark star - mobil housing (completed)
mx3 (completed)
kiki - competition
sculp - winery (completed)
"k" kracher - winery (completed)
hillhall - winery - storage (proj)
cherry (completed)
ready for shore (proj)
kitt base - masterpla
denta - dentist (completed)
oggau (proj)
brei 01 - block of flats (proj)
kitt stok - block of flats (proj)
tas (proj)
steppen wolf (proj)
i-point - landscape (proj)
daem (proj)